What Does Rich Woman Stand for?

What Does Rich Woman Stand for?

  What is a Rich Woman? I often hear women say, “I’m rich in spirit,” “I’m rich in family and friends,” “My life experiences make me rich.” I agree with each of these interpretations. However, I don’t agree with this comment: “I lead a very rich life, but I have...
Is Success Closer than You Think? or Farther?

Is Success Closer than You Think? or Farther?

  Is Success Closer than You Think? Or Farther? How do you define success in life? Do you give much thought to the question? By definition, the word success means: favorable or desired outcome. Other dictionary definitions of the word include phrases such as: the...
10 Things that Make a Woman Successful

10 Things that Make a Woman Successful

  10 Things that Make a Woman Successful Hint: It’s not money This just in: women who spend hours getting dolled up make more money. This comes from researchers from University of Chicago and University of California Irvine. A study of more than 14,000 people...