Fire Academy

What Exactly is the FIRE Academy?

The FIRE Academy is a full year (52 weeks) of connection, support and accountability. It is you, your presence, your desires, your courage, your intentions, and your ability to stay centered no matter what that will create a life that light you up!

We Will Guide You Through One of the Most Transformational Years of Your Life

Through the FIRE Academy, you will learn FIRE Building + mindset mastery + join a community of Women on FIRE who are ALL on the same journey of setting new standards and reaching their goals! The FIRE Academy includes:


Weekly activation sessions and Q&A training sessions to learn deep FIRE practices and participate in a collective group of Women on FIRE


Two live in-person training sessions to help you integrate the learnings and into your work at a deeper level and learn more of the FIRE practices


Weekly livestreams to get you back into a joyful and resourceful state of mind for every action you take


Customized coaching and support for what challenges you the most


Support from the community via our interactive forum

The Elements

This comprehensive approach to becoming a feminine Women on FIRE who inspires change, while living a joy-filled life consists of six elements:

Master Your Fear – We help you master your fear so you can consistently move forward.

Accountability – We support your commitment with accountability.

Environment – We put you in the perfect environment for growth. You are joining a safe, loving group of other Women on FIRE who will support you and your commitment.

Live Experiences – With our cutting edge and practical training, you will be able to see your progress so you can continue on your journey of being wealthy, healthy and wise.

Coaching – We give you candid feedback for specific, targeted coaching.

Skills – We train you on the skills and successful habits you need in order to thrive.

Our world is in desperate need of feminine role models who are courageous enough to speak their truth. It is time for you to confront what has kept you playing small so you can live the life you desire.

Enrollment in the FIRE academy is by application only. Please schedule a call with me so we can discuss if the academy is right for you.

Schedule a Call With Me Today!