How to Achieve Financial Independence How to Achieve Financial Independence Spoiler: It requires learning your wealth number, discovering the power of cash flow, zeroing in on your why, and building the right support group. Financial independence means so much...
The year for women’s Empowerment
The word empowerment means, ‘The process of becoming stronger and more confident, especially in controlling your life and claiming your rights.’
It starts with looking forward and visioning what you want, and where I always start is with your number.
10 Financial New Years Resolutions to Make 10 Financial New Years Resolutions to Make I’ve put together a list of 10 of the best New Years' financial resolutions to make. I know many people are over New Year’s resolutions, but I find them to be very motivating. It’s a great...
10 simple Christmas Truths
10 Simple Christmas Truths we need to remind ourselves Every Year.
We are bombarded for months with offers, advertisements, and store displays begging for our attention. The calendar fills quickly with both obligations and opportunities. And healthy habits are routinely exchanged for unhealthy ones as visual cues pile up around us.
Your Neighbor has more Gifts than you It seems to me there are two forces that come together during the holiday season to influence our behavior around gift-giving (or better said: over gift-giving). Those two powerful forces are 1) social pressure and 2) love. The...
Are you still waiting for Prince Charming?
I want to share with you 4 problems that I see women doing again and again marring rich, wanting to marry rich, they are desperate looking for rich..
1.- Fear
2.- They don’t value themselves enough
3.- They lack the courage and confidence to take their power back
4.- Stuck in a controlling abusive relationship and sometimes they don’t even know about it
Imagine Life without Shopping Hello everyone - Welcome today to my weekly special message Today is Nov 29th and the last week of November I wanted to wait until after Black Friday and Cyber Monday because.. that is what we are going to talk about today. You...
What Does Rich Woman Stand for? What is a Rich Woman? I often hear women say, “I’m rich in spirit,” “I’m rich in family and friends,” “My life experiences make me rich.” I agree with each of these interpretations. However, I don’t agree with this comment: “I lead...
Generation No Thanks Generation No Thanks: Millionaire millennials are giving up on stocks and bonds—and it could have ‘significant implications’ for the future Do you know that, according to a new study by fortune .com, wealthy millennials...
Is Success Closer than You Think? or Farther? Is Success Closer than You Think? Or Farther? How do you define success in life? Do you give much thought to the question? By definition, the word success means: favorable or desired outcome. Other dictionary definitions of the word...