Invitation to Participate

Sacred Money Archetype

Imagine you can “crack the code” of your unique money personality.  This will allow you to reach the full potential of your personal strengths, gifts and values!  Most important it will put you on a new path to spiritual and financial alignment and success!

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Answer these questions regarding your Spiritual and Financial Alignment:


Do you put off looking at your bank account?


Are you making just enough to get by?


Does more money equal working hard?


Are you borrowing money from friend and family more often than you would like?


Do you and your partner fight over money?


Are their opportunities that you would like to take but something is holding you back?


Do you wear a money mask from everyone in your life, including yourself?


Is there an invisible ceiling keeping you from achieving the financial success you really want?

If you answer YES to any of these questions… then you maybe out of Spiritual and Financial alignment and we need to talk

Take the Sacred Money Archetypes (SMA) assessment – It will take a few minutes and then we can set up a Personal Reading to unlock you code.

By discovering your Sacred Money Archetypes , you will unlock what make you tick when it comes to money.

In your Personal Reading, you will discover your Top 3 Sacred Money Archetypes, how they support (or hinder) your success and how to work in harmony with them.

You will learn your biggest blocks around money and then how it shift them into action mode for lasting Results.