How to Achieve Financial Independence

    How to Achieve Financial Independence Spoiler: It requires learning your wealth number, discovering the power of cash flow, zeroing in on your why, and building the right support group. Financial independence means so much more than just having money....
The year for women’s Empowerment

The year for women’s Empowerment

One of my all time favorite exercises this time of year is choosing my Word of the Year. It’s THE thing that makes it easy to cut through the overwhelm of choices I ‘could’ make with my coaching business. It gives me clarity. Direction. Purpose. It challenges me to...
10 Financial New Years Resolutions to Make

10 Financial New Years Resolutions to Make

  10 Financial New Years Resolutions to Make I’ve put together a list of 10 of the best New Years’ financial resolutions to make. I know many people are over New Year’s resolutions, but I find them to be very motivating. It’s a great time to start something...
10 simple Christmas Truths

10 simple Christmas Truths

We need to remind ourselves Every Year. We are bombarded for months with offers, advertisements, and store displays begging for our attention. The calendar fills quickly with both obligations and opportunities. And healthy habits are routinely exchanged for unhealthy...
Are you still waiting for Prince Charming?

Are you still waiting for Prince Charming?

  I was born in 1965, which, makes me generation X.  Generation X was raised on Cinderella, sit-coms and fairy tales that did more damage to women that good. In my coaching and mentoring programs, I see many women who are stuck in unhealthy relationships with...
Imagine Life without Shopping

Imagine Life without Shopping

  Hello everyone –   Welcome today to my weekly special message Today is Nov 29th and the last week of November I wanted to wait until after Black Friday and Cyber Monday because..  that is what we are going to talk about today. You have probably been...