10 Financial New Years Resolutions to Make

10 Financial New Years Resolutions to Make

  10 Financial New Years Resolutions to Make I’ve put together a list of 10 of the best New Years’ financial resolutions to make. I know many people are over New Year’s resolutions, but I find them to be very motivating. It’s a great time to start something...
Are you still waiting for Prince Charming?

Are you still waiting for Prince Charming?

  I was born in 1965, which, makes me generation X.  Generation X was raised on Cinderella, sit-coms and fairy tales that did more damage to women that good. In my coaching and mentoring programs, I see many women who are stuck in unhealthy relationships with...
Generation No Thanks

Generation No Thanks

    Generation No Thanks: Millionaire millennials are giving up on stocks and bonds—and it could have ‘significant implications’ for the future   Do you know that, according to a new study by fortune .com, wealthy millennials invest just 25% of their...